Get Help

Streamline user flow from discoverability of treatment center all the way to in-take form. Additional goal includes improving learnability of Get Help beta app.


August 2017 3-Week Sprint

Select Process

To further discover the needs and pain-points of users, we conducted user interviews, heuristic evaluations, competitive comparative analysis, and usability tests.

We discovered three main buckets of improvement which included search functionality, use of language (verbal and visual), and the use of labels

Expanding the Rollodex

Currently, Healthcare Professionals Are Tapping Into Their Professional Network When It Comes To Placing Patients.

The primary issue with this, especially regarding the sensitive nature of mental health care, is the window of time between patient diagnosis and the patient changing their mind to pursue help.

This means of relying on a professional network can provide some time-sensitive risks. Relying on an inner network practicing clinicians, therapists, and other industry professionals can be difficult as these professionals also have their own schedule and responsibilities. The user runs the risk of delayed progress in trying to place a patient in an appropriate treatment center.

In providing a search engine, users have the affordance of a more accessible toolbelt that expands their resources beyond their professional circle. Users become more self-reliant and autonomous in their search and placement efforts while also being able to reel in more search results at the push of a button.